Venue: Track and Fields Athletics Manege
Exhibition Sections:
- Power generating and metallurgical coal
- Coal firsts
- Technologies and equipment for coal mining, washing and energetics
- Equipment and materials for drilling and blasting works
- Technological transport for coal and personnel transporting. Fuel and lubricants
- Product for technical industrial purpose and materials for business and operations of coal industry enterprises
- Devices and systems of mine air control
- Ventilation
- Safety means
- Electrical equipment and appliances
- Cabling and wiring
- Products of metallurgical industry for coal production, power engineering and mechanical engineering
- Technologies and technical means for production and utilization of coalmine methane
- Technologies and equipment for coal deep processing
- Mine automation
- Alert systems and communication
- Power and boiling equipment
- Projecting and building of coal industry enterprises
- Building constructions, mechanisms, machinery, materials
- Surveying devices and tools
- Hoisting devices
- Ancillary equipment
- Means of small mechanization
- Tools
- Pumps. Stop valves
- Services (banking, railway, information, advertising, warehousing etc.)
- Industrial sanitary
- Ecology
- Individual protection means
- Overalls