Venue: Track and Fields Athletics Manege
Exhibition Sections:
- Thermal and coking coals. Coal concentrate. Coke
- Technologies and equipment for coal mining, coal benefication, and coal economy
- Equipment and materials for drilling-and-blasting operations
- Technological vehicles for transportation of coal and personnel. Fuels and lubricants
- Production and technical goods and materials for support of production and business activities of coal industry enterprises
- Instruments and systems of mine atmosphere control. Venting. Safety means
- Electrical equipment and apparatuses, Cables and wires
- Metallurgical products for coal industry, power engineering, and machine building
- Technologies and technical means of production and utilization of coalmine methane
- Technologies and equipment for advanced processing of coal
- Coalmine automation. Communication and alarm
- Power and boiler equipment
- Projecting and building of coal industry enterprises. Building structures, mechanisms, machines, materials
- Surveyor's instruments, tools
- Hoisting mechanisms. Auxiliary equipment. Labor-saving devices. Tools
- Pumps. Stop valves
- Services (banking, railway, information, advertising, warehousing)
- Industrial sanitation. Ecology. Means of individual protection. Overalls