CleanExpo Óðàë -2025

Everything for Young Family - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

13th Interregional Exhibition

Date: 20.03.2019 - 23.03.2019 

City: Belgorod - information about city

Holder: "Belexpocentr"

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Consumer Goods, Society


Venue: Exhibition Complex "Belexpocentre"

Exhibition Goals:

  1. Strengthening the institution of family and marriage
  2. Promotion of healthy lifestyles, provision of young families with high-quality goods
  3. The saturation of the consumer market
  4. Promotion in the domestic and foreign markets competitive domestic goods regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries
  5. The establishment of business relationships between producers and consumers

Exhibition Sections:

  • Affordable housing programmes for young families, mortgage lending and bank credits for young families
  • Young family psychological support services
  • Organization of festive events, weddings, anniversaries, children's programmes (restaurants, bars, cafes)
  • Organization of children's rest (campings, sanatoria, preventive treatment facilities, wedding and family tours)
  • Jewelry, bijouterie
  • Glass, ceramics, porcelain, crystal, tableware
  • Home textile, interior decoration articles, flower compositions
  • Household appliances, furniture, lighting devices
  • Beauty salons, photo studios, design studios for decoration of family holidays

Additional information:
