Venue: Exhibition Complex LENEXPO
Within the framework of the Forum the following specialized expositions are held:
- "Agricultural Machinery, Agricultural Processing Machinery and Equipment"
- "From Field to Counter"
- "Fish and Seafoods"
- "Autonomous Energy Systems Salon"
- "Manor and Farmstead Building. Development of Rural Territories"
- "Chemistry and Biotechnologies in Agriculture"
- "Agroecology"
- "Everything for Orchard and Garden"
Exhibition Sections:
- Foodstuffs and drinks
- Food additives
- Equipment for processing, packing, pre-packing, transportation, and storage of food products
- Miniplants, mills, bakeries
- Refrigerating equipment
- Fodders. Fertilizers. Seeds, planting stock
- Lawn and gardening tools, accessories
- Autonomous energy systems salon
- Agrochemistry and biotechnologies
- Biological and chemical preparations
- House building - technologies and materials
- Veterinary. Zootechny
- Everything for farmers life:
- consumer goods
- souvenirs, folk crafts
- Agricultural machinery, equipment for processing and timber industries
- Transport. Row of shopping stalls