Venue: Exhibition Complex LENEXPO
Exhibition Goals:
- Development of agriculture in the Russian Federation with the help of co-operation
- Creating a "business platform" to demonstrate the best practices of establishment and operation of small businesses in the agro-industrial complex, possibilities of the farming movement, and discussing the ways of enhancing its efficiency
- Demonstrating the regions' experience in establishment and effective operation of rural cooperatives under the state policy in the field of agro-industrial complex
- Systematizing the existing measures of state support to the rural cooperatives, as well as individuals and organizations that make up the social base thereof
- Offering new measures of state support and regulation of rural cooperatives
- Promoting importance of rural cooperation for the rural population and agricultural goods producers
Exhibition Sections:
- Agricultural consumer cooperation (marketing, processing, servicing, construction)
- Agricultural credit consumer cooperation
- Agricultural production cooperation
- Inspection unions of agricultural co-operatives
- Consumer cooperation in rural areas
- Youth and rural development. Experience, problems and prospects
- Machinery and equipment
- Greenhouses
- Fertilizers. Seed
- Products by cooperatives. Processing and sales of agricultural products
- International practices of the cooperation development
- Research and development, innovation and technology
- Legal, banking and insurance services