Здравоохранение Сибири - 2025
IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025

Autumn Fashion Week - 2001

Attention! The event is over.

the next exhibition FASHION INDUSTRY. SPRING - 2025

18th International Exhibition

Date: 31.10.2001 - 04.11.2001 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city


Topic: Consumer Goods


The organizers:

  • The Seasonal Fashion Weeks being organized by "Oricon Ltd" since 1993 has won recognition from major clothing producers in the North-West region of Russia. Our permanent Exhibitions participants are major Companies such as: at our exhibitions: "Pervomayskaya Zarya", "Bolshevichka", "Fos-P", "Slavianka", "Lak", "Volna", "Mayak", "Salute", "Chaikovskiy Textile - North-West". At the "Autumn Fashion Week'98" more than 107 companies exhibited their products, and more than 30 thousand specialists and guests visited this Exhibition.
  • The "Autumn Fashion Week" is being organized together with the Moscow "Central Sewing Industry" Company. The convergence of classical style of the St.Petersburg exhibition and the business scope of Moscow fair will give the "Autumn Fashion Week' 99 " a new quality and will maximally attract specialists and wholesale and retail organizations not only in the NORTH-WEST, but also from other regions of Russia.
  • The Exhibition participation fee is catering for Russian producers and amounts to 120 y.e. per 1 sq. m (without VAT).
  • St. Petersburg sports and concert Complex - has one of the best Exhibition Halls in town. At exhibitions participants disposal are specials halls and foyer, modern Exhibition equipment, professional podium with viewer seats, conference halls, bars, cafes, cloakrooms.
  • You can introduce your Company at press - conferences and presentations, take part in specialized seminars and round - table discussions, establish creative contacts with well - known designers in St. Petersburg.
  • Thousands of Exhibition visitors will see your new collections on the podium. You can take part in the Gala show at the Exhibition ceremonial opening and in the professional competition of modelers. The major present is - publication of photographs of the best Exhibition models in the booklet and other advertisement materials for the "Spring Fashion Week - 2000".
  • Large Visitor - attendance at "Fashion Week" exhibitions enhances a wide advertisement campaign. Advertisement and information support is provided by : Radio - "Baltic", ''Russian second channel, St. Petersburg'', "Modern", "Eldoradio", print - "Sewing Industry", "Textile Industry", "Light Industrial business", "St. Petersburg Gazette", "Business Petersburg", "News Petersburg", "Russian Fashion", "Natalie", "Astok Press", "Wholesale", "Russian Trade".
  • Participation in our Exhibition - is another possibility to see again a very beautiful city on the banks of Neva.
The Exhibition takes place at the Petersburgskiy Sports and Concert Complex ; address: pr. Gagarina, 8 (metro "Park Pobediy").

Additional information:
