ÌåäÔàðì - 2025
Parking Russia - 2025

Fashion Week - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

Interregional Exhibition

Date: 20.03.2019 - 23.03.2019 

City: Belgorod - information about city

Holder: "Belexpocentr"

Topic: Textiles. Fashion. Cosmetics


Venue: Exhibition Complex "Belexpocentre"

Exhibition Goals:

  1. Demonstrate the latest achievements of consumer industry, to show modern fashion trends, designer's solutions, new collections of clothes and footwear including children's and school children's, to promote creativity in the sphere of fashion and textile design
  2. To mend mutually advantageous cooperation
  3. To saturate consumer market
  4. To promote competitive domestic goods of the Russian Federation regions and near-abroad countries to inner and foreign market
  5. To establish business relations between manufacturers and consumers

Exhibition Sections:

  • Clothes for adults and children
  • Knitted outerwear
  • Lingerie, hosiery
  • Footwear
  • Leather and fir products
  • Headdresses
  • Evening and exclusive clothes
  • Clothes accessories
  • Textile, leather, metallic small ware
  • Fabrics, sewing accessories
  • Makeup, perfumery
  • Jewelry, bijouterie

Additional information:
