Здравоохранение Юга - 2025

Hunting and Fishing in Russia - 2015

Attention! The event is over.

38th International Specialized Exhibition

Date: 10.09.2015 - 13.09.2015 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Exhibition Company "EXPODESIGN"

Topic: Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments


Venue: VDNH

It is expected that more than 800 exhibiting companies from around the world on a total exhibition area of over 30 thousand square meters will demonstrate the best samples of their products and services in the field of hunting and fishing equipment and accessories, weapons, special equipment, technical and transport facilities, fishing and hunting tourism, recreation, books, Souvenirs and gifts of nature. The number of visitors will exceed 50 thousand people.

All the exposition traditionally includes three thematic sections:

  1. Fishing equipment, equipment and accessories, boats, boats and motors, the goods travel range: mass media - hall A, pavilion № 75.
  2. Salon of weapons, goods for hunting and travel range, mass media - hall B, pavilion № 75.
  3. Hunting and fishing tourism - hall C, pavilion № 75.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Equipment and clothes for hunt and fishing
  • Hunting and fishing tourism
  • Tourist equipment and foodstuffs
  • Hunting and collection weapons
  • Safety products for hunt and fishing
  • Shooting galleries and equipment for them
  • Special transport means, cars for fishing and hunting, engines
  • Devices, radio navigation means
  • Public fishing, hunting and tourism organizations and associations
  • Small land holdings and farms
  • Protection and development of hunting resources
  • Hunting houses, bathhouses and equipment for them
  • Taxidermy
  • Gifts and souvenirs

Additional information:
