Venue: Exhibition Complex "Russian House"
Exhibition Sections:
- Forest regeneration and protection
- Forest certification
- Wood conversion
- Forest harvesting operations
- Wood-sawing industry
- Logging and timber processing products transportation
- Handling and warehousing equipment
- Pulp and paper industry
- Machines, equipment and technologies of half-finished products, mass, non-printing and other paper production
- Hydrolized industry
- Woodworking industry:
- machine tools and components
- materials and accessories
- wood- and paper-cutting tools
- production of process feedstock of low-quality wood and wastes
- equipment for manufacture of wood boards and compressed goods
- production of plywood and wood-base plastic laminates and veneer sheet
- products and materials patterns
- Mill and carpenter's work
- Machines, tools, devices and accessories
- Furniture production
- Machines, tools, accessories, materials, finished goods
- Match production
- Production of sports and other consumer goods
- Patterns of finished goods and materials of wood and its derivatives, including industrial goods, handicraft industry goods, popular craft goods, art works, amateur crafts
- Engineered wood
- Wood for building, repairing and finishing works
- Wooden architecture
- Finewood
- Computer process and enterprise control facilities
- Information systems
- Logistics
- Control and measuring devices and apparatuses
- Environment protection
- Introduction of non-waste industries
- Equipment for waste neutralization, utilization and regeneration
- Use of secondary heat resources
- Efficient water management
- Operational and fire safety; overalls
- Science and vocational training
- Science and technological advances and projects
- Technical literature, patents and licences
- Investment projects
- Educational programs of personnel training on timber industry disciplines