Venue: International Exhibition Center "Yekaterinburg-Expo"
Exhibition Goals:
- Promotion of Ural industry, competitive growth of Russian products, integration of industry and science of the Sverdlovsk Region into all-Russia and world economical system
- Assistance in attraction of investors to realization of high-efficiency innovation projects
Exhibition Sections:
- Industrial equipment for mining and metallurgical industry
- Casting
- Engineering: compressors, pumps, fittings, drives and their components, bearings, engines
- Metal processing: machines, tools, equipment and technologies for metal processing, lubricants and coolants
- Forging and pressing equipment
- Automation of production: CNC systems and controllers, management and pre-production systems, automation components and tools
- Modernization, repair and renovation of machinery and equipment, used equipment
- Infrastructure of industrial enterprises: storage and handling equipment, industrial safety, NDT and diagnostics, instrumentation
- Specialized literature