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Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia - 2007

Attention! The event is over.

7th International Forum

Date: 10.04.2007 - 12.04.2007 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: RESTEC

Topics: Natural Resources, Municipal Management, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Exhibition Complex LENEXPO

Oil, Gas and Energy industry is the basis of modern society development. Prosperity of the population, activity of other industrial branches and position of the country in the world arena depend a lot on its efficiency. It is expected that in the next thirty years the demand on all kinds of energy resources will have a significant growth. According to the data given by the International Energy Agency, oil and gas will preserve their dominant positions. Simultaneously, Russia as a leading energy resources exporter will strengthen its positions.

At the present time Russia covers domestic demand on all main kinds of fuel by its own production. However, on both governmental and social levels, oil and gas processing is less important than the production. Lack of attention to oil processing and petrochemistry dooms the country to the dependency on raw materials export.

On April 10-12, 2007 the 7th International Forum "Russian Oil, Gas and Energy" will take place in St.Petersburg. Their targets are: to discuss the measures necessary for the Oil, Gas and Energy Complex stable development and efficiency growth, realization of the Energy Strategy of Russia, coordination of the government and business efforts in oil, gas and energy sphere: producing, processing, transportation, export.

This is one of the most respected federal events of the industry, held annually on the eve of the Petersburg International Economic Forum. It gathers chiefs and respected specialists of the ministries and administrations, governmental control organs, oil, gas and energy companies, industrial enterprises, banks and investment funds, project and scientific institutions.


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