Venue: International Exhibition Centre, 15, Brovarskoy av.
Exhibition Sections:
- heat energy: heat power stations (condensate and heating plants)
- hydroelectric power: hydroelectric power stations, hydrostimulating and tidal
- nuclear power
- renewable, small-scale and alternative power energy
- production and conversion of electrical energy
- electro- and heat energy transmission units
- power equipment and technologies, instruments and materials
- boilers, burners, boiler and support equipment, heat-exchange apparatuses
- industrial and communal-general power engineering for transport, agroindustrial complex
- electrical machines, instruments and apparatuses
- materials for electrical goods production
- heat-insulating, insulating materials, products for heating engineering and electroenergy
- cable production
- control of electrical and heat supplying systems
- lighting energy-saving products
- equipment and technologies of electrical machines and apparatus repair and test
- electrical and lighting appliances
- power audit
- Coal industry complex:
- mining and processing of coal, peat and slate
- equipment, machines, mechanisms for concentration plants
- equipment, machines, mechanisms for open-cast
- equipment, machines, mechanisms for deep mining
- equipment for coal laying and intake
- mining electrical equipment
- spare parts and components for mining equipment
- power choring equipment and equipment for tender works
- materials
- Oil-gas and oil refining industry:
- oil and gas mining
- equipment for geologic exploration and geophysical research
- drilling, developement and construction of gas and oil wells, trade processes mechanization
- equipment, machines, mechanisms, materials for oil-gas complex
- research and manufacturing operations equipment for increasing of wells efficiency
- pumps and compressors
- oil and gas pipelines construction and repair
- pipes and valves for oil-gas complex
- oil and gas refining
- protection of underground metal structures
- Research, design and planning works for fuel and energy complex
- Innovation and investment projects
- Building, reconstruction, equipment of FEC objects
- Heating and energy providing systems
- Metering systems and regulation instruments for water, gas, thermo and electro energy
- Control equipment, non-destructive check and technical diagnostics
- Power automation and control of production and technological processes
- Resource saving technologies and equipment
- Safety and security of FEC objects
- Safety systems of manufacturing, labour protection
- Environmental protection, ecological monitoring, ecological equipment and technologies
- Special literature, printings, Internet resources