Venue: Exhibition Complex LENEXPO
In the framework of the exhibition the following exhibitions will be held:
- Exhibition "Floriculture and Floristics"
- Exhibition "Landscape Design"
- Exhibition "Land Improvement and Greenery Planting"
- Exhibition-Fair "Spring Wedding"
Exhibition Sections:
- Floriculture and floristics:
- cut flowers and decorative greenery
- pot flowers
- plants for interiors and outdoor greenery
- artificial and preserved plants
- dried flowers
- cultivating technologies
- hothouses, nursery garden production
- plants care agents
- instruments
- ceramics, glass, plastics
- services and trade
- grounds, soils, plant protecting agents, fertilizers
- Land improvement and landscape design:
- projecting and landscape design
- land improvement and greenery planting
- fountains, ponds, pools
- lighting systems
- garden furniture and structures
- irrigation, watering, drainage systems
- materials and equipment
- hard landscaping
- associations, institutes
- machinery, facilities, technologies
- geodesy
- environment protection
- environmental monitoring
- specialized editions, press