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Game Developer's Conference (KRI) - 2013

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized Conference

Date: 15.05.2013 - 17.05.2013 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: KRI Ltd

Topic: Information Technologies and Communications


Venue: Hotel "Cosmos"

"Game Developer's Conference (KRI)" is an official Russian-language forum "from developers for developers" and for publishers of cumputer games, platformers, online games, and games for arcade-like gaming machines, mobile phones and other devices. It is an event where annually hundreds of artists, designers, animators, programmers and sound engineers who create the best games gather together from across the former USSR in order to share experiences and new ideas, to learn trends of world game market development, to find new employees, an employer or a business partner.

At the annual exposition "KRI Expo" the up-to-date software, services and platforms for developers, and new gaming projects are demonstrated.

The Conference Goals:

  1. Enhancing status of Russian gaming industry as an independent branch of economy
  2. Establishing new business contacts between leading domestic and west producers of gaming software
  3. Opportunity for new developers to make a name and to demonstrate their projects to Russian publishers
  4. Arranging special events for producers of hardware and software for development in order to present products for creating games to the targeted audience
  5. Providing wide opportunities for all participants to establish business and educational contacts

Additional information:
