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Georgia Build - 2005

Attention! The event is over.

2nd Georgian International Construction & Architectural Conference & Exhibition

Date: 09.06.2005 - 11.06.2005 

City: Tbilisi - information about city

Holder: Iteca Kavkasia

Topic: Building and real estate


Venue: Tbilisi, Georgia, Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel.

ITE Group is the leading organiser of 300 annual specialised international exhibitions in CIS and Eastern Europe countries. ITE is a fully qualified member of Union des Foires Internationales and the Association of Exhibition Organizers (AEO). It's portfolio of Telecommunications exhibitions includes:
BATIMAT MOSBUILD, Ukraine Building Week (UKRAINE), BAKUBUILD (Azerbaijan), KazBuild (KAZAKHSTAN), UzBuilding Week (Uzbekistan), ANKOMAK (TURKEY), LibyaBuild (LIBYA) and other

Official support:
Georgia Build 2005 Conference & Exhibition is fully supported by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development of Georgia and city council of Tbilisi-Mayor himself, Constructors federation of Georgia, Georgian Architects Creative Union.

The aim of the conference:
To discuss the possibilities of state development Construction industry & Architecture, tendencies of construction industry development, problems of the Georgian market for building materials and prospects of investments in construction and many other interesting issues.
Participants of the conference are representatives of state departments, Architectural companies heads of local and foreign construction companies and manufacturers of building materials, participants of exhibition Georgia Build 2005, representatives of financial institutions and mass media, experts and analysts.


Additional information:
