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SIFT - 2025

Grain and Bread of Russia - 2008

Attention! The event is over.

4th International Congress

Date: 11.11.2008 - 13.11.2008 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: FarExpo

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry


Venue: Hotel "AZIMUT"

Main Sections of Plenary Meetings:

  • Russia food security support
  • Role of federal and regional funds of food and fodder grain
  • Place of Russia in the world grain market; competition and cooperation of grain companies in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan
  • Promotion and state support of export of flour, cereals, compound fodder and other products of grain processing
  • Problems of grain transporting and grain products: interregional and foreign trade aspects
  • Ways to reduce grain crops losses; investments into building of new grain elevators, granaries and reconstruction of existing ones
  • Development of exchange-traded mechanisms of grain prices regulating
  • Optimization of correlation of grain crops and grain legume in crop rotation of different soil and climatic zones
  • Climate, weather and harvest of grain crops and grain legume
  • Condition of seed growing and seed quality control for grain crops and grain legume
  • Role of modern agrotechnologies in conversion from extemsive to intensive type of agricultural production in Russia
  • Experience of advanced grain producing units: agroholdings, agricultural cooperative, farms
  • Extension of cultivation of a number of valuable grain crops and grain legumes in the regions of RF: triticale, corn, soya, lupine, chick-pea etc.

Main Sections of Specialist Counsels (12.11.2008 ã.):

  • Interregional counsel on the problems of seed growing and seeds quality control for grain crops and grain legumes
  • Interregional counsel of plant selection breeders on the problems of introduction into agricultural practice the best national sorts of grain crops and grain legumes

Main Sections of Sectional Meetings and Round Tables (12-13.11.2008 ã.):

  • Selections, cultivating and processing of corn, rise and sorgho
  • Fodder grain crops and grain legumes; optimizing of fodder mix formulation in poultry farming and cattle breeding
  • Grain crop yield: the role of fertilizers, plants protection means
  • Grain crop yield: the role of climatic and weather factors
  • Assortment and quality of bread in different regions of RF
  • Rational use of wastes and by-products of grain cultivating and processing by production of beer, spiritus, starch

Additional information:
