АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025
ИнтерСтройЭкспо - 2025

Specialized Exhibition-Fair "Health Fair" - 2016

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized Exhibition-Fair

Date: 03.02.2016 - 06.02.2016 

City: Yaroslavl - information about city

Holder: "Central Market"

Topic: Medicine and Health Care


Venue: Exhibition center on the Great October

Exhibition-Fair Goals:

  1. Healthy lifestyle promotion by carrying out actions related to people's health preservation, namely diagnostic and consultative medical care as well as advice on health improvement and treatment, eutrophy and personal hygiene
  2. Informing people of Yaroslavl about city's healthcare companies and organizations, their opportunities and provided services
  3. Promotion of health complexes, beauty salons and recreation camps services
  4. Integration of healthcare companies for carrying out joint actions
  5. Demonstration of current trends in pharmaceutics and beauty industry

Exhibition Sections:

  • Goods for outdoor activities, health and beauty
  • Comfortable body shaping clothes (push-up, thermal)
  • Natural cosmetics and perfumes
  • Medicines, medical equipment
  • Innovation in the field of health maintenance
  • Food products for a healthy lifestyle
  • Services of sanatoriums, recreation centers
  • Survey on medical equipment

Additional information:
