Specialized Exhibition of Technologies and Equipment for Water Supply, Sewerage, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Gas Supply to Industrial and Household Objects
Specialized exhibition project "Clean water" is dedicated to the treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater, drinking water, protection of water resources.
Specialized exhibition project "Clean air" will present equipment and technologies to improve air quality in the home and in industrial enterprises.
Exhibition "Everything for building and repair" is an ideal platform for the presentation of high quality equipment, building and finishing materials.
Specialized exhibition project "Real Estate - 2016" in anticipation of the construction season will provide real estate developers the opportunity to present their projects and to increase sales.
Exhibition Sections:
Heating. The water supply. Air conditioning:
Heating, boiler equipment
Heat and power engineering
Water treatment and water supply, drainage, Sewerage
Sanitary engineering and equipment
Pipes and pipeline fittings
The equipment for manufacture of pipes
Equipment for construction and repair of pipelines
Pumping equipment
Climatic equipment
Refrigeration supply, refrigeration equipment
Ventilation equipment and installation, chimneys
Gas supply and gas equipment
Energy-saving equipment and materials
Devices for accounting and control
Automatic control system, system "smart house"
Swimming pools. SPA. Fountains
Environmental technologies, alternative energy
Special project - "Clean Water":
Design and construction of water treatment plants
Household and industrial wastewater purification
Equipment for water quality monitoring, scheduling and automation of water treatment plants
Exploration and extraction of groundwater
Specialized project "Clean air":
Systems and components for cleaning, humidification and ionization air for home, office, industrial enterprises, medical institutions
All for building and repair:
Construction materials and equipment
Roofing and facade materials and constructions
Finishing materials, wall, floor, ceiling
Varnish and paint materials, chemistry, glues, mastics