Рудник - 2025
ExpoCoating Moscow - 2025

Hospital - 2003

Attention! The event is over.

8th Technologies and Equipment for Hospitals

Date: 05.10.2003 - 08.10.2003 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: MVK company, office in St. Petersburg

Topic: Medicine and Health Care


The international exhibition HOSPITAL is the largest exhibition on public healthcare in the Northwest Region of Russia. The exhibition promotes the development of co-operation and the establishment of contacts in the area of medicine between the Russian and the international community and has a priority status for Saint Petersburg. In 2001 the Committee on Foreign Affairs declared the HOSPITAL exhibition to be the best exhibition in Saint Petersburg with the most effective foreign participation.

The exhibition is held with support of the Administration of Saint Petersburg, Committee on Public Healthcare of the Saint Petersburg Administration, Pharmaceutical Association of Saint Petersburg and the Northwest Region, Russian Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Products and Equipment ROSMEDPROM.


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