Venue: The International Trading Center
Hotel "International"
Sector: Hotel
- Furniture, interior, design
- Security and fire alarm systems, access control
- Cleaning equipment
- Air condition and ventilation systems
- Consumer goods and domestic chemicals
- Control systems and software
- Communication
- Uniform, linen, textiles, pillows, blankets
- Health and sporting equipment
- Manpower development
- Gas, water, heat and energy supply, maintenance, sanitary engineering
- Landscape projects
- Carpets and coatings
Sector: Restaurant
- Fast-food and restaurant equipment
- Crockery, cutlery, kitchen inventory
- Furniture, interior, design
- Lighting and sound equipment
- Uniform, linen, textiles, accessories
- Control systems and software
- Foodstuff and drinks
- Games equipment
- Manpower development
- Security and fire alarm systems, access control