Venue: Exhibition Complex "Nizhegorodskaya Yarmarka"
Exhibition goal is to promote the culture of hunting and fishing tourism, increase efficiency, protect and restore hunting and fishing resources.
Exhibition Sections:
- Cold steel, weapons for underwater hunting, pneumatic weapons, outfits for fishing and hunting, optical instruments and devices for hunting and sporting weapons
- Shooting galleries and equipment for them
- Hunting houses, guest houses, tents, umbrellas
- Hunting and fishing trophies
- Taxidermy and taxidermy products (various kinds of stuffed beasts, birds and fishes, interior products, made of horns, hides and hoofs of animals)
- Tourist and special equipment, outfits, goods for sports, tourism and rest, special vehicles for hunting and fishing, instruments and means of radio-navigation
- Tourist equipment: water-motor, motor and automotive vehicles, bicycles
- Collective regional expositions of the enterprises of regional infrastructure - centers of tourism and recreation, firms producing goods for tourism, recreation and health
- Hunting and fishing tourism, tourist routes of hunting and fishing purpose (organizers of hunting and fishing tours, sales of tickets and licenses), hunting and fishing centers, recreation centers, "village tourism", green tourism, travels, extreme kinds of rest
- Sanatorium and resort institutions, boarding houses, rest houses, sports and recreation organizations, system of governmental protection, control and regulation of hunting and fishing
- Enterprises of transport, construction and hotel complexes of Russia, tourist complexes, tourist firms and agencies
- Educational institutions for the training of specialists in travel business
- Equipment and implements for various kinds of sports