Venue: The State National Theatre of Republic Kareliya
Exhibition Sections:
- Active tourism, village and ecological tourism, fishing and hunting tours
- Fishing and hunting tours
- Technical means (boats, motor boats, motors, bicycles, ski sledges, cars, off-road vehicles etc.)
- Hunting implements (guns and weapon care means; cartriges; sports equipment; products for weapons and ammunition storage). License for exhibiting weapons, firearm main parts, cartriges is ËÝÞ ¹ 0001786 îò 08.09.2003. issued by LLS "Industrial Herald" of the Ministery of Internal Affairs in Karelia Republic)
- Fishing implements (nets, drag nets, fishing rods, rolls, spoonbites, fishing lines etc.), sports equipment for underwater hunting
- Related equipment and products (tents, awnings, ambrellas; means for dressing, processing and storage of fish and meat; tourist and sports implements; cartography and other polygraphic products; sports and special clothes for hunters and fishermen
- Water environment monitoring and control devices, pools protection
- Specialized literature
- Taxidermy