Venue: Sport and Entertainment Complex "Zvyozdniy"
Exhibition is held as part of exhibition project "Touristic Astrakhan".
Exhibition Sections:
- Section "Fishing":
- fishing outfit, equipment
- fishing tackle and implements
- cases for fishing rods and boxes for fishing
- diving, spearfishing
- outfit and equipment for spearfishing
- optics, devices, navigation means
- fishing knives, bows, crossbows, sables
- means for carving, processing, and storage of fish
- Section "Hunting":
- hunting equipment, outfit
- weapons, weapon tuning
- equipment for shooting ranges
- optics, devices, navigation means
- hunting trophies and taxidermy
- cartographical products
- weapon salon
- hunting knives, bows, crossbows, sables
- outfit, hunting accessories, weapon tuning
- means of weapons storage and care
- scopes, binoculars
- hunting spotlights and torches
- birds and animals voices simulators
- night vision devices
- hunting dogs breeding
- hunting cartridges and powders
- shooting ranges and equipment for them
- boxes and safes for weapons
- photo and video hunting, pictorial art
- products of applied art masters on hunting and fishing topics
- camouflaging means
- means for carving, processing, and storage of meat
- Section "Sports":
- sports schools, fitness clubs, sports and health complexes
- sports facilities, exercise machines, implements
- sports clothes, footwear, accessories
- equipment and implements for various sports
- training equipment
- equipment for children's sports grounds, sports schools, stadiums
- bicycles
- ski sledges
- off-road cars
- motorcycles
- delta planes
- paraglider
- sports aeroplanes
- radio controled models
- jet boats
- spare parts, equipment, and materials for repair
- underwater equipment
- everything for cycling and motor sports
- automotive, motor, air, and water vehicles for sports and active rest
- sports food, body care means
- sports medicine and food additives
- prizes, attributes
- means of medical control, diagnostics, and rehabilitation
- equipment for water sports
- equipment for sports hunting and fishing
- food additives for sportsmen
- sports cosmetics
- pools
- Section "Rest":
- fishing and hunting tourism
- ecological tourism
- touristic equipment, outfit, implements
- equipment for water-based tourism
- services of health resorts, sanatoria, holiday hotels
- equipment and accessories for gambling business