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Belorussian Industrial Forum - 2012

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International Exhibition Project

Date: 15.05.2012 - 18.05.2012 

City: Minsk - information about city


Topic: Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Football Manege

Forum Goal is to help enterprises and institutions of the Republic of Belarus to solve the following tasks: increasing the production of hi-tech goods, able to meet competition on domestic and international markets, introducing the new knowledge-intensive technologies and equipment, developing international cooperation, attracting investments into theindustry of the Republic.

Forum Program:

  • "BelPromEnergo" - The International specialized exhibition of energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies, equipment, constructions, and materials in industry, energetics, building, municipal & housing-communal economy
  • The International Symposium "Technologies. Equipment. Quality"
  • "PromIT" - The Conference and Exhibition of Information Technologies in Industry
  • The International contest of energy and resource efficient technologies and equipment
  • The Republican contest of welders

Exhibition Sections:

Energy-efficient and resources saving technologies, equipment and materials in industry

  • Technologies and equipment for blank production; products and services for blank production:
    • technologies and equipment for producing dies by molding method; products and services of foundry (molding machines and materials, automatic production lines for mould, units for metal casting, furnaces and systems, induction casting machines, modeling substances, foundry alloys; manufacture of castings, remelt of metal junk, ornamental casting, production of souvenrs)
    • technologies and equipment for producing dies and plastic parts, non-metallic materials and molding compounds; products and services on production of plastic parts, non-metallic materials and molding compounds (moulds for manufacture of plastic products, presses for plastic materials, heating units, automatic molding machine; molding, extrusion, blow molding, vacuum-molding and thermoforming machines, equipment for tooling, water jet cutting, recycling)
    • technologies and equipment for producing dies by methods of powder metallurgy, forging, stamping, pressing; products and services for manufacturing products by methods of powder metallurgy, forging, stamping, pressing (heat-treatment installations in powder metallurgy, automatic presses for forming powder materials, molding materials and powders; automatic forging machines and stamping machines, presses, hammers, forging machines, rolling machines for cold conditions; metal sheet stamping centers, bending and straightening machines, devices for bending pipes, rods and profiles, thread rolling machines, spring machines, chain making machines; production of friction and antifriction materials and components, hard metal products and other items made of metal powders; production of high-precision parts from ferrous and nonferrous metals and alloys, production of forgings and stampings, products made by artistic forging, hardware and fasteners)
    • mechanical blank equipment; products and services for mechanical production of blanks (equipment for cutting sheet and roll materials, for punching and stamping, aperture piercing, for plasma arc, gas-oxygen and water jet cutting, band sawing and profile forming machines, sheet benders, guillotines, carving and cutting tools for sheet metal, profiles, ranges; units for laser cutting and carving, for microplasma and flame cutting)
  • Technologies and equipment for manufacturing activity, services of manufacturing activity:
    • machining equipment; services on machining details of different degree of complexity, producing non-standard equipment (lathes; drilling, grinding and gear machines, millers, boring units, planning machines, mortisers, band-sawing machines, machine tools for electromechanical and electro machining of metal, machining centers, lathes and complexes with computer-controlled "flexible manufacturing systems," cutting and auxiliary tools and industrial equipment, machine tools equipped with comprehensive toolkits)
    • equipment for thermal and thermo-chemical processing of materials; services on thermal and thermo-chemical treatment of materials (heating equipment, vacuum furnaces, arc furnaces, induction heating, resistance furnaces, cathode-ray and electron beam heating devices, infrared and microwave heating, plasma shaping and spraying, laser surface treatment, quality control in heat treatment)
    • equipment, technologies and materials for galvanic production; galvanic services (galvanic lines, process baths, tanks for solutions, pipeline chemically resistant fittings, equipment for cleaning, filtration and pumping solutions, equipment for galvanic lines - rectifying devices, heaters, evaporators, filters, pumps, ventilation systems; machines for cleaning, regeneration and recycling of electroplating wastes, chemical agents and materials for galvanic production, devices and equipment for quality control of electrodeposited coatings)
    • equipment for paint application; services on paint application (technologies and equipment of surface preparation for painting, technical equipment for industrial painting, equipment for paintwork materials preparation, ventilation systems and units for cleaning and paint wastes disposal)
    • equipment and technologies for plating from metals and alloys, polymers, oxides, composite materials, enamels, epoxy compositions; services on plating from metals and alloys, polymers, oxides, composite materials, enamels, epoxy composites (coating technologies, installations for magnetron deposition, units for vacuum arc coating)
  • Technologies and equipment for assembling:
    • equipment for tooling production
    • sets of manufacturing equipment and tooling, components
    • automation means in prototypes' production and batch production implementation, robotization of assembly operations
    • equipment for strength and pressurized leakage tests of assemblies and products; tests on different types of effects: mechanical, climatic, high pressure
  • Rebuilt and restored equipment. Technologies of repair and restoration
  • Production of machine-building, instrument-making, metallurgy, electronic, electrical, optical-mechanical industry
  • Information technologies for industry
  • Means and systems of workflows automation, production control and scheduling
  • Measurement instrumentation, metrological equipment, control-and-measuring devices and complexes, and diagnostic equipment, weight measuring technics
  • Transport and storage systems

Energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies, equipment, and materials in energetics, building, municipal & housing-communal economy

  • Equipment for electric power station and substation, nets of allocation and transmission of electrical energy, for capital construction and repair-operational works in energetics
  • Automation systems of supervisory control and administration in electricity nets and heating systems; informational systems, software
  • Electric generators, engines, transformers, electrical control units and wiring equipment
  • Cables and wires, cable inputs, fastening hardware, technologies and equipment for mounting, cabling, and wiring
  • Boilers, burners, subsidiary heating equipment, gas generators, heat generators
  • Cogeneration and steam-turbine plants
  • Independent heat supply sources (modular, roof, mobile)
  • Technology and technique of radiant heating systems
  • Renewable energy and nonconventional power sources
  • Electric power installations onto new principles and power-generating units of new generations
  • Equipment and materials for atomic power engineering
  • Devices and systems of calculation and regulation of consumption of water, fuel, thermal and electric energy
  • Equipment, pipes, fittings for heat, water, and gas supply; electric drives for pipe fitting
  • Pumping outfits; system of ventilation, conditioning, cold and heat supply, gas purification, noise reduction and deafening aids; compressor technics and pneumatics, braking systems; sorbents, filters, sieves, gauzes
  • Equipment and devices for construction and operation of gas supply systems; service, exploitation, repair, and equipment debugging of gas-transport objects
  • Contemporary heat-insulating materials, previously insulated pipes
  • New systems of starting engines
  • Lighting equipment and sources of light
  • Energy-efficient and resource-saving materials, constructions, technics and technologies in industrial and civil engineering
  • Energy-saving technologies for engineering services of municipal and housing-communal services

Salon "Science for industry and power engineering"

  • Scientific-research and enginneering development, innovation projects

Salon "Welding and cutting in industry and power engineering"

  • Equipment and technologies for welding and cutting of metals
  • Tools and facilities for welding mechanization
  • Automation of welding processes, robotic centers for welding and cutting
  • Power supplies
  • Materials for welding and cutting (electrodes, wire, gases)
  • Specialized equipment, technologies and materials for pipelines erection
  • Equipment and technologies for welding of plastics
  • Equipment, technologies and materials for forging, brazing, riveting, weld deposition, conglutination
  • Means and protection methods from bad factors into welding production
  • Methods of training and raising the level of personnel skill
  • Means and methods of quality control of welds, main and welding materials
  • Services on welding, cutting, forging, brazing, riveting, weld deposition, conglutination

Additional information:
