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Press Release

Telecommunications & Information Technologiesя/ InfoComExpo 2004

21 - 23 September at Tashkent RTEC "Uzexpocentre" the 5th Jubilee Uzbek International Exhibition - InfoComExpo 2004 was closed. The event was held in the framework of "Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) Week", which is organized for the first time in our region, covering a range of measures, aimed at improvement of the sector.

"InfoComExpo" is unique annual international show in Uzbekistan, dedicated to know-how in the field of telecommunications and information technologies.

Official opening ceremony was attended by Mr. Aripov A.N., Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, General Director of the Uzbek Communication and Informatisation Agency. The official opening ceremony was also attended by Mr. Sayfiddinov D.B., Chairman of the State Committee for Demonopolization and Competition Development of the RoU, Mr. Umarov Sh.Kh., Chairman of "Uzeltekhprom" -Uzbek Association of radio electronic, electrical and instrument-making industries, as well as other honorary guests.

Within three days of exhibition's activity over 10,000 specialists have visited InfoComExpo. This is a record-breaking number of visitors as compared with the other international exhibitions, ever held in Uzbekistan. The exhibition has combined main directions of information industry and telecommunication systems.

This year among the exhibitors were about 60 companies from Great Britain, Germany, Kazakhstan, Korea, Latvia, UAE, Slovakia, USA, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and many others.

It should be specially emphasized that this year number of local companies amounted to 50% out of the total number of participating companies; this is 25% increase as compared with last year. Besides, in comparison with 2003 number of participants has increased by 20%.

Over 60% of exhibitors have expressed their intention to participate in the next show - InfoComExpo 2005, it means that by now exhibition area of InfoComExpo 2005 has been already enlarged by 20%.

70% of exhibitors have established partnership relations both with representatives of local companies, acting in the field of telecommunications and information technologies, and companies from CIS and other foreign countries.

In the framework of InfoComExpo 2004 the organizers for the first time have presented two zones, located within the territory of RTEC Uzexpocentre, for organisation of the following public events:
"Internet zone" - for organisation of Web- contest among Web- design studios;
"Game Zone" - for organisation of game tournament with participation of Uzbek champions (6 games).
Within all three days these zones have generated considerable public excitement both among exhibitors and visitors. The most skillful Uzbek gamers were engaged in competition on 6 types of computer games, along with that a range of different actions was carried out among exhibition's visitors.
Every day "Internet zone" and "Game Zone" attracted 1,000 visitors. Visitors and specialists have also taken a keen interest in stands of such companies as Samsung, LG Electronics, Alex Group and others.

Participants of the 5th Jubilee Uzbek International Exhibition "Telecommunications & Information Technologies InfoComExpo 2004"
Alcatel, ALEX Group, ALKO, COSCOM, SATIS -TL-94, Cassidy Trade and Finance, DataForm, D&K Corporation, Delphi Service, EastTelecom, JEL Corporation, LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics, Motorola GmbH, Harris Corporation, Optic Telecom, Kosmicheskaya Svyaz, Vybor- KZ, THURAYA, Iskratel, "TKS" firm, Uzbektelecom, UCD Micros, Agata Group, UNITECH, Navigator, Qurilish Texnologiyalari, Vinlad, Intermicro, Shark Telecom, SETCO, Nuron, Maorif Plus, Uzbek Taksofont, Vilartes (OXYGEN Networks), Sharifa-T, Deutsche Kabel, Centre for scientific-technical and marketing research.

Official support to the exhibition was provided by the Uzbek Communication and Informatisation Agency, State Committee for Demonopolization and Competition Development of the RoU, Uzbek Association of radio-electronic, electrical and instrument-making industries - "Uzeltekhprom" and JSC Uzbektelecom. Co-organizers of the "Information and Communication Technologies Week": Digital Development Initiative (programme jointly implemented by the UNDP and Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan) and editorial staff of InfoCOM.UZ magazine.


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