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Ingredients - 2009

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12th Moscow International Exhibition "Food Ingredients, Food Additives & Spicery"

Date: 24.11.2009 - 27.11.2009 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: ITE Group

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry

"Ingredients - 2009" exhibition news, 11-Nov-2009

Announce: The 12th Moscow International Exhibition "Ingredients - 2009" will be held at the International Exhibition Complex "Crocus Expo" (Moscow) on November 24-27.

The exhibition "Ingredients - 2009" is the main meeting place for the professionals in the different sectors of the Russian market of food industry:

  • production of food additives: food colourants, herbs and spices, food flavors, complex food additives, confectionery ingredients, food stabilizers
  • production of equipment for food industry
  • sale of food equipment
  • manufacture of food packing
  • food institutes (including Moscow State University of Food Production)

During 11 years of work the exhibition has gained confidence of visitors and exhibitors from all sectors of food industry (producers of food additives and equipment for food industry). The importance of the exhibition for the market is noticed by the experts and governmental officials. The exhibition is like a barometer of the food industry state and a perfect source of information of its development trends, competitive environment, food additives distribution network and other market features.

Participation in the major food industry event is the most effective way to meet new and already existing clients, strengthening of brand positions and getting the up-to-date information about the trends in the Russian industry of food technologies, ingredients production and sale of food equipment.

The exhibition of food industry "Ingredients - 2009" will bring together thousands of experts in different fields of food technologies (production of food additives, equipment for food industry, food packing). The exhibitors from 19 countries will take part in the exhibition of food industry, the number of visitors professionals from food institutes and different food production fields is over 7,500 people.

The exhibition of food industry is a unique event for food production professionals, which brings together a quality target audience and is aimed at the expansion of business contacts.

This year, the exhibition of food technologies and food equipment will host for the first time a School of Production Engineers - the advanced courses for professionals in food production. Lectures on urgent topics (ingredients production, application of dietary supplements, food colourants, food flavors in food production technologies) will be read out by the industry top experts, The School organizers are a Union of Food Ingredients Producers, Moscow State University of Food Production and ITE company.

Withing the framework of the exhibition a competition "Ingredient of the Year" will be held, its goals are:

  • to promote production in food industry
  • to promote the use of competitive ingredients in the Russian food industry (food colourants, herbs and spices, ingredients for confectionery, food stabilizers, food flavors)
  • to promote innovations in the field of equipment for food industry

In the course of exhibition's work the companies, producing food equipment and food ingredients (spices), will be able to take part in the 10th International Forum "Food Ingredients of the XXI Century - 2009". A special attention will be paid to economical questions of food ingredients (including spices) industry development and food equipment sale.

The organizer of the exhibition "Ingredients - 2009" is ITE company, which has been holding events of such scale since 1991. Considerable advances have been made during this time: representative offices were opened in 19 countries, the company was registered at the London Stock Exchange, and the number of qualified employees has reached 800 people.


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