Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025
Сибирская строительная неделя - 2025


Attention! The event is over.

The International Exhibition of Smart House integrated control systems

Date: 24.02.2005 - 27.02.2005 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: "Midexpo - Exhibition and Fairs", Ltd

Topic: Information Technologies and Communications


IRIS Congress Hotel, Moscow, Russia.

Install Show is
an exposition of integrated house projects and home automation solutions, presented by the leading installation companies.
a display of the most advanced control equipment of American and European brands.
a venue where architects and home builders can find a system integrator for their customer, designers and installers can determine the right product for their projects, distributors can attract new dealers.
the best place where custom installation people can learn new tips and techniques shared by their colleagues and improve both their own knowledge and skills.
a wonderful opportunity for end-users to get acquainted with the "Electronic Lifestyle" in real projects.

Products & displays:

  • Home Automation projects
  • Electronic Lifestyle Design and Installation
  • Multizone audio and video distribution
  • Home Lighting
  • Home Security
  • Broadband and Wireless solutions for home networks

System integrators, installation companies, distributors and manufacturers' representatives are the key exhibitors of Install Show.

Target audiences
Distributors and Dealers
Architects & Home Builders
Designers & Installers
Technical Audio/Video specialists
Mass media

Programm of INSTALL SHOW
Training courses and seminars have been annually held within the framework of the show since 2000. For many installers they have become the major sores of information and practical skills shared by the more experienced foreign guests and their Russian peers.
For five years educational program has been a great success, attracting attention of specialists wishing to improve their professional level.

Show promotion and media plan
An extensive promotional program includes advertisements and publications in specialized electronic magazines and life-style magazines, TV and radio commercials, poster and display advertising, direct mailings of invitations etc.

Show dates & times:
Thursday, February 24th, 2005 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. (specialists admitted only)
Friday, February 25th, 2005 10 a.m. - 6 p.m
Saturday, February 26th, 2005 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Sunday February 27th, 2005 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.


Additional information:
