Venue: All-Russia Exhibition Center, pavilion 69, Moscow.
Exhibition Sections:
Radioelectronic components and materials:
- Interfaces
- Supervisors
- Analogue and digital chips
- Operation amplifiers
- Voltage converters
- Analogue multiplexers and keys
- Power ÌÎP- transistors
- Digital signal processors
- Microcontrollers and microcomputers
- Discrete elements
- Micro-electromechanical devices
- Piezoelectric cells
- Crystals and ceramics
- Optoelectronics
- Plugs-and-sockets, connectors, wiring accessories, cases
- Printed circuit boards
- Dielectrics (piro-, segneto-, piezoelectrics)
- Semiconductors
- Superconductors
- Conductors and magnetic mediums
- Natural and chemical connections for radioelectronics
- Polymer and composite materials
New technologies and equipment:
- Microelectronic technologies
- Nanotechnology in electronics
- Production tools and equipment
- Micro-system technique and technology
- Bioelectronic technologies
- Information technologies
- Laser and optical technologies
- Medical technologies
- Special radio-electronics technological equipment
Electronics & Communications:
- Radio-location systems
- Radio-control systems
- Systems of satellite and space communications
- Antenna and feeding devices and SHF techniques
- Radio receiving equipment
- Transmission devices
- Telecommunications
- Fiber-optic lines
- Structured cable networks Information protection systems
- Power supply devices and sources
Mobile systems. Communications & Internet:
- Providers and networks services including mobile and satellite networks
- Digital cellular devices.
- Infrastructure of mobile networks.
- Peripherals for cellular networks.
- Hands-free speakerphone devices of wireless
- Communication for mobile phones and car systems.
Office equipment and automation:
- Dictation equipment
- Industrial computers and calculators
- Office printing and copying systems
- Matrix, jet and laser printers
- Plotters. Xerox, duplicators. Shredders
Cards technologies:
- Multifunctional cards with social and commercial application (magnetic, chips, radiofrequency, IR-rays)
- Plastic cards
- Systems of plastic cards integration and personalization
- Biometric and cryptography in smart card security
Quality management of radio-electronic products:
- Certification of products and systems of quality management
- Methods of control and diagnostics
- Measurement and testing of radio-electronic products
- Monitoring of technological processes
- Standardization of processes and products in radio-electronics
Researche and development:
- Fundamental and applied research of new materials
- Devices based on new physical principles
- Cryptography and quantum computing
- New methods of radio-electronic systems building