Рудник - 2025
ExpoCoating Moscow - 2025


Attention! The event is over.

5th International Specialized Exhibition and Conference for Paints and Varnish

Date: 12.03.2001 - 15.03.2001 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MAXIMA Inc.

Topics: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


Subject of the Exhibition:

  • whole range of paints and varnishes;
  • glues;
  • raw materials;
  • pigments and additives;
  • solvents;
  • industrial and laboratory equipment;
  • new technologies, researches.

Cost of equipped area 250
Cost of non-equipped area 230
Registration fee (for all participants) 220

Cost of equipped area includes: standard booth; mounting and dismantling; permission for free entry and disposition of exhibits during mounting and dismantling; standard furniture set (depending on booth's size), see the draft of standard booth; electricity, including mounting and usage (from 8:00 to 20:00); security of exhibition hall; cleaning of aisles (booth cleaning is an additional pay service).

Cost of non-equipped area includes: security of exhibition hall; cleaning of aisles (booth cleaning is an additional pay service); permission for free entry and disposition of exhibits during mounting and dismantling.

Registration fee includes: invitation cards (2 tickets per 1 sq. m); information about your company (400 symbols) in an official catalogue of the exhibition and in a CD-catalogue (dead line for passing your information 20 Jan 2001) and in a hall's list of exhibitors; badges for exponents.

Possible markups:
  • 5% - corner stand (two open sides);
  • 7% - peninsula (three open sides);
  • 10% - island (four open sides).
Participation in conference:
Auditor    Lecturer
Russian participant       25          50
Foreign participant       50         100
Exhibitors are granted with 25% discount.

Additional information:
