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Parking Russia - 2025

Russian Investment and Building Forum - 2015

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Russian Investment and Building Forum

Date: 11.02.2015 - 12.02.2015 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation

Topics: Building and real estate, Business, Economics, Finances, Safety


Venue: Gostiny Dvor

"Russian Investment and Building Forum" (RISF-2015), is the main platform for discussion of priority issues of development of the Russian construction industry by consolidating the financial and construction sectors of the economy and investment, with the support of the state controller of the construction sector.

Planned "Russian Investment and Building Forum" in the framework of the exhibition will demonstrate how successfully implemented in the regions of the investment projects presented in various formats, taking into account regional features provided by modern infrastructure, built and under construction with the introduction of innovative energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies and projects, preparing for implementation.

Forum Goals:

  1. Implementation of the state policy on development of housing construction and enforcement of the Federal target program "Housing" for 2011-2015
  2. Positioning of Russia in as one of the world investment centers

Objectives of the Forum:

  • Summarizing the implementation of regional programs of development of housing construction in 2014 with the demonstration pilot and completed projects construction of complexes of subjects of the Russian Federation
  • Attraction of investments into the Russian economy
  • Strengthening the role of self-regulatory organizations
  • Informing about new approaches in housing construction, innovation in energy efficiency and identifying promising areas for the development of the construction industry to 2015
  • Creation of a favorable investment climate
  • Creating an information field for Federal and regional bodies of state power, bodies of local self-government, domestic and foreign construction sector and other business representatives
  • Establishment and expansion of business contacts, promotion companies in new Russian markets
  • Organization of universal activities that support the development of the Russian construction market, with the participation of leading manufacturers and supplier of building materials, construction companies, representatives of state authorities and local self-government, international organizations and professional associations


Additional information:
