VolgaBuild. Âàø êîòòåäæ-2025
CleanExpo Óðàë -2025

Altai: Building. Power Generating. Housing and Utilities. Gasification of Altai - 2010

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7th Interregional Specialized Exhibition

Date: 04.03.2010 - 06.03.2010 

City: Gorno-Altaisk - information about city

Holder: SibExpoService

Topics: Building and real estate, Municipal Management, Industrial Exhibitions


Exhibition Sections:

  • Front and roofing materials, systems of hydro-, and heat-proofing, exteriors finishing
  • Building and road machines, mechanisms, equipment
  • Equipment and machines for housing and utilities
  • New building technologies and materials
  • Autonomous systems of heating, ventilation, water supply, water treatment, water purification, and sewerage
  • Small houses and cottage building, projecting and building of touristic complex
  • Autonomous electric equipment, lighting devices, electrical engineering
  • Gas supply: equipment and technologies for gas complex. Building and operation of gas pipelines, gas stations, and boiler rooms
  • Systems and technologies of energy saving, heat, light, water, gas metering devices
  • Concrete products, brick, metal ware and profile
  • Architectural projects and design. Yards furnishing
  • Finishing materials. Specialized clothing and protection means
  • Real estate in Russia and abroad. Investments. Mortgage lending
  • Engineering, geodetic equipment
  • Information support of building. Operational process automation
  • Windows, doors. Woodworking, sawn wood and joinery. Furniture, interior articles
  • Security, alarm, fire safety. Environmental safety
  • Projects of seismic resistant buildings and structures

Additional information:
