Дача. Сад. Ландшафт. Малая механизация - 2025
Строим загородный дом - 2025

ISPEK - 2005

Attention! The event is over.

The 5th international specialized exhibition of the defense facilities, weapon and specialized machines

Date: 24.05.2005 - 27.05.2005 

City: Kiev - information about city

Holder: VneshExpo Business

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Municipal Management, Industrial Exhibitions, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation


Main thematic directions of the exhibition:

  • ISPEK - Guarding (technical facilities for objectives protection, access systems and video cotroller, safes, armored doors)
  • ISPEK - Rescue (systems and facilities of liquidation of the crash and catastrophy consequenses, rescuers' equipment)
  • ISPEK - Specialized machines (machines for specialized divisions, law machinery, border control, traffic safety)
  • ISPEK - Specialized transport (armoured transport, fire-engines, police specialized transport, ambulance, etc.)
  • ISPEK - Specialized communication (specialized communication facilities, electronic components, information security facilities)
  • ISPEK - Personal security (arms, ammunition, man-to-man defense facilities, equipment)
  • ISPEK - Fire protection (systems and facilities of fire protection, equipment for fire protection divisions)
  • ISPEK - Service (services in the field of security, specialized literature)

Additional information:
