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Дентал-экспо. Самара - 2025

ITM - Intourmarket - 2011

Attention! The event is over.

6th International Tourist Exhibition

Date: 12.03.2011 - 15.03.2011 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: "Expotour" Ltd.

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Society, Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation

"ITM - Intourmarket - 2011" exhibition news, 28-Feb-2011

Announce: On 1st of March the conference "Time for leisure in Russia" will be held in advance of opening the 6th International tourist exhibition "ITM - Intourmarket - 2011".

Company "Expotour" with the support of Ministry of sport, tourism and youth policy invites speaker for ministries and administrations of Russian Federation, mass media dealing with the questions of tourism, tour operators, investors to the press conference dedicated to the opening of International tourist exhibition "ITM - Intourmarket - 2011".


  • Management office of the exhibition "ITM - Intourmarket"
  • Professional tour-club "Russia - country of tourism"


  • Nizina Nadezhda Alexandrovna - deputy minister of sport, tourism and youth policy
  • Radkov Alexander Vasiliyevich - temporary acting as head of the Federal Tourism Agency
  • Khotochkina Olga Viktorovna - "ITM - Intourmarket - 2011" exhibition manager
  • Shpilko Sergei Pavlovich - head of the Moscow tourism committee
  • Kudelya Evgeny Vladimirovich - chief of the department of integrated development of resorts and tourism of the Krasnodar Territory
  • Lesina Nina Borisovna - coordinator of the tour-club "Russia - country of tourism"

Leading topics of the press conference:

  • Information about the exhibition "ITM - Intourmarket - 2011" organizing: new developments, estimates, expectations
  • "Time for leisure in Russia" - first at the exhibition almost all regions of Russia are presented at the exhibition. Strategic partner of the exhibition - the Krasnodar Territory
  • Social projects of the exhibition: program Hosted Buyers, children drawing contest "Family journey around Russia", visit to the exhibition and cultural program for children from orphan homes, particularities of leisure for people with disabilities
  • Law and legal aspects of current situation in tourism industry. Conflict resolutions. Relationship "tour operator - travel agent": practice of civilized relationships building up
  • Law making work in the sphere of tourism industry. New departures in boosting domestic and incoming tourism

On completing of the conference - coffee break.


Additional information:
