Plase: Russia, 123100, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya nab., 14
- Salon Kitchens for Apartments and Country-houses;
- Salon Everything for Bars and Restaurants:
- furniture;
- equipment;
- table and interior decor;
- uniform;
- Salon Everything for Furniture:
- furniture materials and leather, foam-rubber;
- fittings;
- mirrors, glass, highlighters;
- chipboards,-plywood, veneer sheets, varnishes, paints;
- transformers, wares made of metal and plastic;
- special purpose equipment and tools;
- Sectors:
- Dining studios;
- Domestic appliances including in-built ones, sanitary engineering;
- Lamps;
- Plates and dishes for invalid food, compounding, household devices, food supplements;
- Phytodeeign, mtenor arncles;
- Design.