Сибирская строительная неделя - 2025

Kuzbass Business Forum - 2013

Attention! The event is over.

Multisectoral Exhibition-Presentation of Productive-Economic, Export-Import and Investment Potential of Kuzbass

Date: 28.05.2013 - 31.05.2013 

City: Kemerovo - information about city

Holder: Expo-Siberia

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Information Technologies and Communications


Venue: Entertainment complex "Baikonur"

Multisectoral exhibition-presentation "Kuzbass Business Forum - 2013" presents productive-economic, import-export, innovation and investment potential of the Kemerovo Region. Participation in the congress and exhibition gives participants the opportunity to present their territory, to declare about their enterprises, to get themselves familiar with experience of work of government institutions, organizations and enterprises of Siberian Federal District and other Russian regions. It creates favourable conditions for searching new partners and making business contracts.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Programs of economic and social development of urban and rural areas of the Kemerovo Region
  • Innovative projects and products of Kuzbass enterprises, institution and organizations
  • Investment project and projects
  • Investment platforms and real estate items allocated by Kuzbass local authorities for innovative assimilation and attracting investments
  • Industrial and agricultural raw materials, products of production and technical use, consumer goods, food products and drinks produced in Kuzbass
  • Services of Kuzbass enterprises, institutions and organizations: banking, insurance, consulting, auditing, leasing, real estate, advertising
  • Offers of territories, enterprises, institutions and organizations of Kuzbass for multisectoral, interregional and international commodity exchange, cooperation, integration, outsourcing and subcontracting
  • National heritages of the Kemerovo Region
  • Folk art

Additional information:
