Plase: Russia, 123100, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya nab., 14
- ZAO Expocentr,
- Industry, Science and Technologies Ministry of the Russian Federation,
- Department of the Timber Complex,
- Union of Timber Industrialists and Exporters
- OAO Zentrlesexpo
Organized with support of the EUMABOIS
- Assembly: August 28 - September 1, 2002
- Running: September 2 - 6, 2002
- Dismantling: September 7 - 10, 2002
Thematic sectors
- Reforestation. Forest protection. Certification
- Primary timber working
- Lumbering
- Sawmilling
- Transportation of timber and timber products
- Handling and storage equipment
- Pulp-and-paper production
- Machines, equipment and technologies for production of semi-finished, non-printing and other sorts of paper
- Hydrolysis production
- Woodworking industry
- Machinery and accessories
- Materials and auxiliaries
- Wood and paper cutters
- Production of raw materials made of low-grade timber and wastes
- Equipment to fabricate wooden boards and laminated wares
- Production of plywood and wood-laminated plastics
- Samples of products and materials
- Joinery and carpentry. Machinery, instruments, devices and fittings
- Furniture production. Machinery, accessories, materials, finished articles
- Match-making
- Manufacture of sports and other wares
- Finished articles and materials of wood and its derivates
- Industrial production. Handicrafts. Folk and amateur articles. Works of art.
- Engineered wood
- Wood for building, repair, finishing and decoration. Wood in architecture
- Precious wood
- Instruments and control apparatuses
- CAM systems, logistics
- Environment protection
- Wasteless technologies
- Equipment for neutralization, reclamation and regeneration of waste
- Waste/heat recyclers, water saving devices
- Labour protection, fire safety, special outfits
- Science. Vocational and training education
- Scientific and technological achievements and projects. Scientific and technical literature.
- Patents and licenses
- Investment projects
- Syllabuses for training of specialized personnel for forestry and timber industry
- Symposia and conferences on main topics in the frames of the international scientific-and-technical symposium