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Lesdrevmash - 2012

Attention! The event is over.

International Specialized Exhibition. Machinery, Equipment, Fittings, Tools and Devices for Timber, Pulp-and-Paper, Woodworking and Furniture Industries

Date: 22.10.2012 - 26.10.2012 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expocentre

Topics: Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions

"Lesdrevmash - 2012" exhibition news, 12-Oct-2012

Announce: From 22nd to 26th of October within the exhibition "Lesdrevmash - 2012" the 6th International forum "Forest and man" will be held. The goal is to frame a complex of actions for development of sustainable forest management and wood processing in Russia.

Within the international exhibition "Lesdrevmash - 2012" the International forum "Forest and man" will take place.

From 22nd to 26th of October within the international exhibition "Lesdrevmash - 2012" the 6th International forum "Forest and man" will take place. The forum is organized by Union of timber manufactures and exporters of Russia, in partnership with JSC "Tzentrlesexpo", with the official support of Government of the Russian Federation and with the participation of relevant ministries and departments.

The forum goal is to frame a complex of united actions of federal and regional authorities of the Russian Federation, forest complex of Russia and engaged foreign structures for development of sustainable forest management and wood processing in Russia.

The forum opens with the plenary meeting "Policy and strategy of development of forest sector in the Russian Federation". The president of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergei Katyrin and the president of the Union of timber manufactures and exporters of Russia Miron Tatsyun will act as moderators of the forum.

Special sections, seminars, round tables dedicated to theoretical and practical questions on development of forest industry will be held within the forum. About 2500 delegates are expected at the forum. All the relevant participants of Russian forest industry will come together. Heads of federal and regional authorities of Russia, professional associations, representatives of the sectoral science, leading enterprises of forest complex will tale part in events of the forum.


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