Venue: Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre"
Exhibition Sections:
- Equipment and services for forestry and forest industry (planting, harvesting and transportation of raw wood; vehicles for timber transportation, tools, labor protection methods)
- Core and auxiliary process equipment for primary mechanical conversion and processing of raw wood
- Core and auxiliary process equipment for secondary mechanical conversion of wood and wood-based materials
- Core and auxiliary process equipment for surface improvement
- Core and auxiliary process equipment for cellulose and paper production (cellulose and paper, cardboard, paper and cardboard processing products, paper production, non-woven fabric, products and equipment for their manufacturing)
- Core and auxiliary process equipment for preliminary assembly, assembly and packing of articles
- Technical means for transportation, storage and stocking of materials and articles
- Machines and devices for special types of processing (laser, high-frequency current, microwave technique, ultrasound)
- Machines and devices for manufacturing special types of products (joinery, structural connections and wood structures)
- Machines, devices and equipment for auxiliary works (chip cleaning equipment, stirrers and mixers, weight control devices, workbenches, worktables, screw clamps)
- Wood processing tools and accessories
- Machine tooling items
- Technical and other means for wood waste disposal (wood dust, chips, scrapings, bark), for wood energy generation
- Technical and other means for energy saving, air conditioning, environment protection, labor protection, fire prevention
- Electronic devices for data collection and processing; technical means and methods of control, measurement and adjustment
- Software (applied, packaged) developed aside from the machine manufacturers (for CAD/FAM, management systems, diagnostics)
- Independent engineering and other services for woodworking and furniture industry