Ìåñòî ïðîâåäåíèÿ: Track and Field Athletics Manege (8, Khimikov av.), Kemerovo town.
Exhibition Sections:
- Logging products: logs, lumber, ïîãîíàæíûå èçäåëèÿ, joinery
- Timber industry products: cellulose, plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, carton, turpentine, colophony, oil
- Machines, equipment for afforestation and fire and fests prevention
- Preprocessing (logging equipment, machines, saws, lifting jacks, hoists, lopping machines). Skidding machines. Pilers. Harvesters. Forwarders. Timber loaders. Timber lorries. Trailers
- Sawing machines. Equipment, auxilliary buildings and tools for sawing. Machines for sorting and storekeeping
- Power-saving technologies, nature preservation
- Investment projects for wood and woodworking industries
- Woodworking equipment, woodworkers and production lines, tools
- Drying cells, hydrometers. Presses. Machines for chipboard and fiberboard production. Veneer sheet production lines
- Woodmaking machines and lines for doors and windows production
- Wooden cottages, garden houses, wooden saunas, building details and structures
- Edgebanders. Equipment for joinery and furniture production
- Furniture
- Operation safety means. Overalls. Personal safety means
- Wood folk handicrafts: birch-bark items, painting, souvenirs, costume jewellery, consumer goods
- Gifts of forests, their storing, processing and packing. Forest handicrafts products