Exhibition Sections:
- Primary timber treatment
- Timber cutting
- Saw-mills
- Timber and timber treatment production transporting
- Paper and pulp production
- Paper production machinery, equipment and technologies
- Hydrolysis production
- Woodworking production
- Plants and component parts
- Materials and accessory
- Wood and paper cutting tools
- Industrial stuff production from law quality timber and waste products
- Wood-based panels and molds production
- Veneer and slug production
- Materials and products examples
- Carpenter and joiner works
- Furniture production
- Used plants and equipment
- Finished products examoles
- Industrial timber
- Building, repair and finishing wood. Wooden architecture
- Precious types of wood
- Wasteless industry
- Waste neutralization, utilization and regeneration equipment
- Secondary heat resources using.
- Computer and automated systems
- Informational systems. Control- measuring tools
- Science and vocational education
- Investment, technical literature, documents,licences
- Educational programs