CPM - Collection Premiere Moscow - 2025

Forum "Healthy Lifestyle" - 2016

Attention! The event is over.

Medical Forum

Date: 29.03.2016 - 01.04.2016 

City: Ufa - information about city

Holder: Business Innovation Center "Ligas"

Topic: Medicine and Health Care


Venue: State Concert Hall "Bashkortostan" (House of Culture "Neftyanik")

Medical forum includes specialized exhibitions:

Specialized exhibition of drugs, nutritional supplements and medical products.

"Care and rehabilitation".
Specialized exhibition of means of rehabilitation medicine, rehabilitation and care.

"Balneology: treatment and rest".
Specialized interregional exhibition of sanatorium-resort services, medical spas, travel industry.

"Health of the mother and child".
Specialized exhibition for women planning pregnancy, new-borns, young parents and their children.

"Secrets of longevity: health and beauty".
Specialized exhibition of medical and preventive, therapeutic, and decorative phytocosmetics; alternative medicine; fitness; equipment for rejuvenation and relaxation; methods and means of correction.


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