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Made in Khakassia - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

Regional Exhibition

Date: 28.02.2019 - 02.03.2019 

City: Novosibirsk - information about city

Holder: "Sib-Info EXPO"

Topics: Culture. Art. Collectibles. Antiques, Consumer Goods, Society


For the participants of the exhibitions "Gifts of Khakassia" and "Made in Khakassia" will be able to find a new market for their products and services in Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region, as well as to find partners in the implementation of tourism business in the Republic.

Exhibition Goals:

  1. To meet as many of the city's residents with unique products and services of Khakassia and South of Siberia
  2. To increase the popularity of domestic production
  3. To create a single information space to demonstrate the achievements of enterprises of the Republic of Khakassia and the South of Siberia
  4. Promotion of the idea that Khakassia is a manufacturer and supplier of environmentally friendly products with excellent taste and useful properties

It implies two directions:

  1. B2C direct sales to the consumer, the familiarity of the city's residents with quality products from the Republic of Khakassia and South of Siberia, which are provided at the expense of the current daily traffic (residents and visitors Business City "Red 220" - 1500 people, employees of HC "NEVZ - Soyuz" - 2000 people, visitors of the "Fresh food Fair" - 1700 people) and attract additional advertising campaign of the event
  2. B2B-organization of the event on interaction, acquaintance and establishment of business relations with representatives of regional trade networks, HoReCa, food dealers working in the NSO, travel agencies in Novosibirsk

The exhibition is aimed at manufacturers:

  • Meat, dairy, cheese products, honey
  • Natural health products on the basis of api- and phyto- raw materials of the Republic of Khakassia
  • Unique products made of natural eco-friendly materials: cedar and larch wood, camel wool and yak wool, felt, leather, cashmere and semi-precious stones
  • Representatives of the tourism business (camp sites, hotels, resorts, organizers of tourist routes)

Additional information:
