Venue: SYMA Event Hall Budapest Industrial automation, laboratory and field instrumentation, process control and control softwares for operational, maintenance and production processes in the following industries: oil industry; chemical industry; pharmaceutical industry; energy production and distribution; cellulose and paper industry; engineering industry; metallurgy; food industry; construction industry; environment protection, water treatment and sewage purification industry; telecommunication and communication engineering; automobile industry.
Exhibition Sections:
- Industry related complete solutions:
- process control systems
- measurement systems
- analyser systems
- actuators
- corporate information systems
- plant management systems
- Controllers and single purpose closed loop controllers:
- electric and electronic controllers
- timers and sequencers
- pneumatic controls
- hydraulic controls
- electronic single and multiloop controllers
- pneumatic single and multiloop controllers
- hydraulic single and multiloop controllers
- SCADA systems
- Industrial communications networks
- Sensors, measurement systems, transmitters for:
- electric and magnetic variables
- mechanical and geometric variables
- thermal variables
- optical variables, nuclear and x-ray radiation
- physical properties of materials
- biological properties of material
- image, pattern and voice recognition
- limit signal transmitters and monitoring devices
- pneumatic measurement equipment and transmitters
- devices for data processing
- Analytical devices and procedures:
- process analysers and -systems
- optics and opto-electronics
- laboratory instrumentation
- laboratory equipment
- sampling devices, batching equipment and accessories for analytics
- balances
- Drives, final control elements (acutators)
- Quality assurances, test equipment, microscopes
- Components, modules, power supplies, switchgear and accessories
- Software
- Services:
- engineering
- technical services
- maintenance and repair
- education and Training
- consulting
- professional literature, publishers
- trade associations