Maydan - 2014

Attention! The event is over.

18th Exhibition of Light Industry Products and Consumer Goods

Date: 16.05.2014 - 18.05.2014 

City: Krasnodar - information about city

Holder: "KrasnodarEXPO"

Topic: Consumer Goods


Venue: Exhibition Centre "Kuban EXPOCENTER"

The "Maydan" exhibition - one of the largest branch platforms in the South of Russia, created for demonstration of modern technologies and the latest achievements in the sphere of light industry enterprises of wholesale and retail trade. For many years it unites manufacturers of textile products, creating optimal conditions for effective exchange of experience in sphere of technologies and professional business organization, consolidating and directing the common efforts of the industry leaders on enhancing the prestige of domestic products in home and foreign market.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Ready goods - clothes, special clothes, footwear, home textile, leather haberdashery, accessories
  • Mother and baby - clothes, underwear for pregnant women, clothes for newborns, clothes for teenagers, goods for children's creativity
  • Consumer goods
  • Household goods
  • Sports and recreation products
  • Gifts, souvenirs
  • Popular craftwork items
  • Products of monasteries and temples, orthodox literature, icons

Additional information:
