Venue: Moscow, VVC, the 20th pavillion
Exhibition subjects:
- Nanotechnologies;
- Resource- and energy-saving technologies, non-traditional technologies;
- Aerospace tools and systems;
- Robotechnics;
- Electrical, pneumatical, hydraulical drive;
- Materials with given properties;
- Laser tools and femto-second technologies;
- Communication and control systems and facilities;
- Navigation and cartography means;
- Transport (railroad, sea, river, air, motor transport);
- Works mechanization and automatization facilities and systems;
- Biotechnologies and bioengineering, transgenic technologies;
- Information science, information technologies and systems;
- Works guarantee in extreme situations facilities;
- New generation optic and acoustic systems;
- Water: mining, purifying, storing and transporting;
- Fuel and energetic products, lubricants; technologies;
- Oil processing technologies;
- Medical equipment and medicines;
- Ecology and rational nature management;
- Waste utilization;
- Modern food producing technologies;
- Staff training. Young specialists support.