Venue: VDNH
Exhibition Sections:
- Aerospace means and systems
- Modern acoustical and optical systems
- Biotechnologies and bioengineering, transgenetic technologies
- Vibration equipment
- Water: extraction, purification, transportation, and storage
- Laser articles and technologies
- Materials with adjusted qualities
- Nanotechnologies
- Information science, information technologies and systems, communication and management means
- Mechanization and automation means and systems
- Life support systems
- Electropneumohydrodrive of products
- Work maintenance means in emergencies
- Navigation and cartography means
- Technologies and equipment for oil and gas complex
- Fuel and energy products, lubrication materials: technologies
- Transport (railway, sea, river, air, motor)
- Resources saving technogies, non-traditional power engineering
- Renewable energy
- Medical equipment and medications
- Modern technologies of food production
- Waste utilization, ecology and rational nature management
- Commercialization of technologies
- Personnel training of Defence Industry Complex