Emercom in Russia - 2003

Attention! The event is over.

International forum

Date: 11.09.2003 - 14.09.2003 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: Alsima-Expo

Topics: Information Technologies and Communications, Municipal Management, Industrial Exhibitions


Exhibition date and place
Russia, St.-Petersburg, North-West Exhibition Center, Victory Square, 2, "Moskovskaya" metro station

Official opening:
September 11, 2003 at 14:00
Working hours:
11.09.2003 - 14.09.2003 from 10:00 to 18:00

Forum purpose

The Forum is aimed at:
  1. Demonstration of Russian and foreign projects, achievements and experience in the sphere of assistance to the population at the occurrence of emergency situations.
  2. Representation by Russian and foreign designers and manufacturers of their rescue equipment, projects and achievements in the sphere of high technologies.
  3. Attraction of attention of specialists and public to the activity and problems of services engaged in assisting the population in emergency situations.
  4. Demonstration of potentialities of services and subdivisions of the MES to the participants, visitors and guests of the Forum.

Basic Forum arrangements
First Specialized Exhibition "Emercom in Russia"
The exhibition makes it possible for governmental, commercial and public structures to demonstrate their achievements, projects and experience in the sphere of development and manufacture of specialized equipment for the MES, to set new contacts and conclude mutually profitable contracts. Services, which are directly engaged in assisting the population in emergency situations, are given a chance to get familiar with the recent technical achievements in the field of development and manufacture of rescue equipment, as well as to exchange experience and demonstrate potentialities to their colleagues and visitors.

Scientific and Practical Conference
"Problems and their possible solution in the organization and carrying out rescue works at the occurrence of emergency situations of natural and man-caused character".
The Conference seminars and round tables will be devoted to the discussion of issues concerning efficiency of interaction of different subdivisions of MES services in emergency situations, equipping of MES specialists with up-to-date specialized equipment and other pressing themes.

Exhibition sections

  1. Rescue equipment
    • Russian and foreign companies and manufacturers of rescue equipment will represent up-to-date equipment for the MES. Representatives of the companies will consult specialists of rescue services and, if they have a chance, demonstrate operation of the equipment exhibited by them.
  2. New technologies in the manufacture of specialized equipment
    • Russian and foreign companies and firms will represent equipment and special facilities developed on the basis of new technologies, which can be used in emergency situations, as well as when liquidating these situations consequences.
  3. Information technologies in the sphere of organization of MES services and subdivisions activity
    • This section includes materials connected with forecasting of an emergency situation, monitoring of natural and man-caused accidents and catastrophes, specialized prints and other information on this theme.
  4. Emergency situation analisys and forecasting
    • This section shows realization of the Federal Target Program "Decrease of risks and mitigation of consequences of emergency situations of natural and man-caused character in the Russian Federation till 2005", developed jointly with the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Emergency Situations and Ministry of Sciences.
  5. Ways and methods of natural and man-caused accident liquidation.
    • This section represents modern facilities of liquidation of consequences of natural emergency situations and industrial, transport and other accidents connected with other spheres of human activity.
  6. Demonstration of special equipment use at the liquidation of emergency situations
    • Specialists of different subdivisions of MES will demonstrate operation of specialized equipment and their abilities at the liquidation of ES consequences. This section is of undoubted interest both for the Forum visitors and for the rescue equipment designers.
  7. Photo-exhibition
    • Pictures made by rescuers will be represented here, which have not been shown before. This section is of undoubted interest both for specialists and for the Forum visitors.

Additional information:
