Place: Ukraine, Kiev, Sport Palace. The Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine, The union of industrialists and businessmen of Ukraine and Ukrainian exhibition company "VneshExpoBusiness" - one of the leaders in exhibition industry of Ukraine, organizer of the national and international exhibitions - invites You to take part in the specialized exhibition with the international participation "Control Instrumentation and Automation - 2006", which will be held within the bounds International Forum of labware, optical and control equipment, which comprises such international exhibitions "KievOpticaTech - 2006", and the 6th International specialized exhibition "LaborTech - 2006" The purpose of the exhibition is the demonstration of control equipment, helping to the enterprises and the organizations in realization of production of wide spectrum of destinations, in their promotion on external and internal markets, in realization of scientific and commercial projects. Participation in an exhibition gives firms the opportunity to come into useful business contacts, to conclude favourable contracts, to study market of production and the tendency of this area development as a whole. International conferences, round tables, business meetings, seminars and presentations companies-participants will take place during the work of the exhibition.
Exhibition Sections:
- Weighing and metering equipment
- Control instrumentation
- Equipment and instruments for measuring and regulations of temperature
- Equipment and instruments for measuring and regulations of pressure, power, speed
- Equipment and instruments for measuring and regulations of electricity and other energy
- Equipment and instruments for determination of disposition and distance
- Equipment and systems for trials, certifications and quality control of materials and products
- Sensor and sensor systems, measuring converters
- Measuring information systems and systems of measuring and trial data handling
- Measurement assurance Support in industry and science
- Control equipment and systems based on laser and fibre-optics technologies
- Automation