Venue: Exhibition Complex "Belexpocentre"
Exhibition Sections:
- Medical facilities, equipment, instruments, materials
- Medical and laboratory furniture
- Orthopedics and rehabilitation equipment
- Ophthalmological equipment and optical devices
- Means of disinfection, disinsection, deratization
- Goods and services for newborns, children, teenagers, pregnant women and young mothers
- Patient care articles
- Special clothing, linen, medical items
- Equipment for environment control and protection, air and water cleaning
- Pharmaceuticals
- Homeopathic means
- Immunobiological preparations
- Medical plants, phytopreparations, aromatherapy
- Vitamins, dietary supplements, dietary products
- Control, measuring, and regulating devices
- Equipment for production of pharmaceuticals
- Packing for pharmaceuticals
- Raw stuff and tools for pharmaceutical production
- Information technologies in medicine
- Medical services