Venue: 9, Kooperativnaja St., Center "Zdorov'e", Izhevsk.
Exibition sections:
- Pharmaceutical facilities and chemicals
- Vaccines, serums, bacterial preparations
- Stomatological equipment and tools
- Optics and ophthalmologic equipment
- Surgical armaments, devices, equipment
- Labware
- New technologies, modern methods of treatment and dianostics
- Medical literature
- Expendible materials and medical articles
- Diagnostic, medical, cosmetic centres
- Aesthetic medicine: services, makeup preparations, equipment
- Equipment for rehabilitation centers
- Herbs, folk and alternative medicine
- Hygienic production and medicinal cosmetics
- Medicinal, invalid food
- Children's food
- Sanatorium-and-spa treatment
- Sports and medical trainers
- Medical clothes
- Medical insurance